It's Family History Month and we should take a moment to celebrate our Genealogy Super Powers
I'm curious. Which of the following skills do you most identify with? All of these skills help you be a fantastic genealogist, but sometimes we have more natural tendencies that impact our research style.
This post is meant for your consideration and then to actively share one of these images on
Twitter or
Instagram. Add the
@FHFanatics account tag
#MyGenealogySuperPower for the hashtag.
Feel free to share more than one if you can't select the one best fit.
The following images in this table are suitable
for sharing on Instagram.
SKEPTICISM You doubt the validlty of everything you are told. You question every documents you read or fact you hear. You are hesistant to use terms like 'confirms' or 'proves' when there is even a remote possibilty that a plausible alternative to a fact exists
CURIOSITY You enjoy exploring mysteries and things you do not know. You have a desire to know more about your ancestors and the lives they lived. You are easily distracted by 'rabbit-trails' You causually persue genealogy to fill this need to know. |
ATTENTIVENESS You like to listen to people, rather than do your own talking. You can pick up on clues from the stories people tell from what they are saying, and not saying. Stories may thrill you more than facts. |
INQUISITIVENESS Each new discovery generate more questions. You are unable investigate each new question with as much relish and excitement as the first? You habitually and persistently seek to discover answers to your quetsions.
METHODICALNESS You track down clues and follow where they lead, in a logical order. You develop research plans and stick to them. You write down new questions on a To Do list but focus on the next task on your list.
ORGANIZATION Your phyiscal archive and digital resources are in an orderly state. You can easily lay hands on any fact or resource in 30 seconds or less. You think meta data and label makers are a genealogist's best friend. |
ANALYISIS You can look at different pieces of evidence and puzzle together the answers to challenging research questions. You can look at a peer's research and find the flaws in their conclusions in under 10 minutes. You think mind maps, timelines, and tree sketches are a genealogist's greatest resource. |
BIBLIOPHLISM Books, manuscripts, newspapers, periodicals, and diaries make your heart sing. You can spend hours reading a county history or a browse only newspaper and enjoy every miniute, even if you find nothing directly mentioning your ancestor. You wish there were more books about your ancestor and/or their place of origin.
STORYTELLING Once you start talking, you can't stop. Once you learn a story about your ancestor, you can find ways to make even the most boring details interesting. Folks want often say, "tell me that story about..." | TECHNO WHIZ You love technology and how it can solve problems. You try every gadget that can help analyze, preserve, and share your family history. You might even dabble in developing apps and platforms to help in the genealogy cause.
WRITING For every fact you discover, you incorporate it into a story about an ancestor. You believe research to write and write to research about your ancestor. You believe charts aren't your family history, a published blog post or book is your preserved legacy. |
ARCHIVING You find value in the smallest scraps of an ancestor's life. You know which is better Mylar, Polypropylene and Polyster. You know when to use an Short Top, Hinged Lid, or Drop Front boxes. You boarder on hoarder, but folks are thankful because you knew to salvage the clues to the past.
INTERVIEWER You can open people up to capture their meaningful memories while making them enjoy the process. You know when to ask for facts and when to ask for stories. Without you, the meat for the bones of our genealogy would not be available. |
PHOTOGRAPHY You know the angles that capture gravestones in their best light. You evoke nostalgia by capturing indoor settings to their best advantage. You can find the small details folks overlook at on the items they see everyday. You create the pictures to the past.
Did I miss any genealogy super power? Let me know and I'll make a meme graphic for it. Happy Family History month!
Another Super Power is - perseverance.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. I just couldn't think of an image to go with perseverance. Let me know if you have an idea.
DeleteI was going to say "stick-to-itive-ness", so to speak, but perseverance is a better way to say it from Diane above. And somehow "thrill of the hunt" ties in there, too.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Perseverance is a great one. Thanks.
DeleteI like perseverance too, but I have a measure of skepticism, analysis, and methodicalness along with it.
ReplyDeleteI think we all have a mix of super powers. I have developed skpeticism over the years. Perhaps it was latent?
DeleteI posted my pick on Instagram and Twitter. I am inquisitive.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Inquisitive is a great super power.
DeleteI immediately said “Curiousity.” But then I saw “Bibliophilism.” And then I saw “Writing!” That’s the winner!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with Techno Wiz. I've been fortunate enough to inherit so much very good family history from the elder family members that I didn't have loads of legwork to do on some lines myself. So I help the most by making sure online pedigrees are tidy, sharable and making sure we are distributing family h ky story info on social media. --- Adrienne Abiodun
ReplyDeleteWhat a gift you've been blessed with. So many start at ground zero.