Over 30 Record Specific Classes at #RootsTech 2018
What is genealogy without records to back up our theories? A variety of repositories have collections that you might be ready to turn to after you explore tree building. From probates to newspapers, to cemeteries records, and more, you have enough research opportunities to keep you busy until next RootsTech .
CLASS RECOMMENDATION: My friend Amy Johnson Crow will be teaching Written in Stone: Tombstones and Cemetery Records on Friday at 11 am. She's a very competent speaker and you're sure to learn a lot.
WARNING: There are a lot of Find-A-Grave haters and I'm fearful of how the class on Wednesday will turn out featuring Peter Drinkwater. Will the class be a lively discussion or a bashing session? If someone attends, let me know. I'll be either teaching or setting up my booth.
CLASS RECOMMENDATION: Michael L Strauss knows his stuff when it comes to courthouse and military research. Any chance you get to take a class from him, you'll walk away more knowledgable and prepared to tackle the record sets that are like his best friends!
Thursday, 4:30 PM, Bankruptcy to Equity: Using Federal Court Records in Genealogy
Maps as a separate class is featured heavily on Thursday, with two mapping classes taking place at the same time. One is a LAB and you'll have to pay an additional fee to attend that class beyond your RootsTech registration fee.
On Friday, be sure to check out Andy's mapping class. He's back to RootTech with another cool technology How to Class. If you attended his Audacity class in 2016, you'll love his Animaps class in 2018!
Be advised that the Friday classes on GenealogyBank.com and Newspapers.com will likely be a sponsored class and promote their services heavily. If you're looking for a general methodology class, then you'll want to attend the Wednesday classes or the Friday one at 4:30 pm.
CLASS RECOMMENDATION: Michael L Strauss knows his stuff when it comes to courthouse and military research. Any chance you get to take a class from him, you'll walk away more knowledgable and prepared to tackle the record sets that are like his best friends!
Wednesday, 9:30 AM, The New Deal: Putting Genealogists to Work
To review previous tracks, visit:
If you don't find a class during an hour that appeals to you, be prepared for mini-classes in the Expo Hall to fill the void. Stay tuned, and we'll keep this month of RootsTech madness going!!!
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