Introducing 5 On-Demand Genealogy Lectures from FHF!

Family History Fanatics On-Demand Learning

Following the success of Andy's DNA After the Test eWorkshop, we're pleased to release five on-demand lectures from Family History Fanatics. Follow the links (that are the webinar titles) to the Vimeo store.

Genealogy Blogging Webinar Thumbnail

1.  Blogging Your Family History
Blogs are a great way to share your family legends and discoveries with your extended family. You might even make some new cousin connections in the process! We’ll discuss the steps to set up a blog, what to write about, and pitfalls to avoid. 
Regular Price: $9.99

Genealogy Heritage Scrapbooking Webinar Thumbnail
2.  Heritage Scrapbooking Simplified
Scrapbooks can be a visually appealing way to share your family legacy with children and those who ‘aren’t interested’ in family history. We’ll discuss what goes into a heritage scrapbook and two sources that can help you complete your project. This workshop is based on the book Family History Scrapbooking Simplified. The workshop is influenced heavily by digital scrapbooking, but paper scrapbooking will also be mentioned.
Regular Price: $9.99

Genealogy Preservation Webinar Thumbnail

3. Digitizing Grandma's Stuff
Inside our homes, there are many treasures and stories that will quickly be forgotten if someone does not take to capture and preserve the memories. In this workshop, we'll cover what you should digitize and why and then provide tips for scanning, photography, transcription, and more.
Regular Price: $9.99

Genetic genealogy DNA 6 hour webinar

4. DNA: After the Test
Have you taken a DNA test and want to know what to do next? Do you want to find out what genetic genealogy is all about and how it can help you?
If so, the Family History Fanatics DNA eWorkshop is the course for you. Over the course of three sessions (approx. 6 hours), you’ll learn what you can do with your DNA test to get the most bang for your buck. You don’t have to have already taken a DNA test, but it will be helpful to understand the principles and be able to do some of the homework assignments. This class is designed for genetic genealogy beginners.
Examples from the testing companies 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, and MyHeritageDNA will be used to explain genetic genealogy concepts and the tools available on the websites. Also, the third-party website will be used to show how anyone can take advantage of tools to expand their genealogical research. You’ll learn 8 steps you need to do to help your DNA testing be effective.
Each 2-hour session covers DNA basic principles, steps to take after the test, how to use DNA tools, and an open Q&A Session where you can ask any of your questions. An online quiz will also be given after each session to test your understanding of the material covered.
Regular Price: $39.99

What is Family History Webinar

5.  What is Family History?
Before you drive down the genealogy road, do you know

what your destination is and which road to take? What exactly is Family History? We'll tell you in this video. 
Now this video is actually free, but you HAVE to use the coupon code FHF-FREE at checkout. Otherwise, it's $1.00.  
Regular Price: $0.99

To celebrate the launch of these webinars, we're offering a 50% of discount until March 5th. Be sure to use the coupon code FHF50 at checkout.


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