Top Ten Videos from Family History Fanatics

Best Genealogy Videos on YouTube 2017

In 2017, I expanded the Family History Fanatics crew from just Devon Noel Lee to include Caleb and Andy. Andy's DNA videos, as you will see, have dominated our channel in terms of popularity and in community engagement. We grew from 60 channel subscribers at RootsTech 2017 to having 2,000 by the end of the year.

THANK you to everyone who makes this form of genealogy education possible.

We're already filming videos for 2018 and hope to expand the reception of the genealogy research tips and methodlogy on our channel. If you have any video suggestions, leave a comment below.

WARNING... this page might load slowly as it's pulling 10 videos from YouTube. You can always hop over to our channel to watch them through on the video platform.

BEFORE we started the count down to the top video of 2017, we have an important announcement. Family History Fanatics is looking for guest contributors for our YouTube Channel. If you want to add to the video on our channel, read the following post and submit a video!

Genealogy Guest Hosts Wanted
Follow this link

NUMBER TEN: This was the video that triggered the explosion on our channel thanks to a troll. Sometimes those trolls are good things, right? In any case, Andy explains just who is GENETICALLY related to Charlemagne.

NUMBER NINE: Though Devon started the channel, this is her only solo video to crack the top ten. It has to do with DNA, so that explains it! Ha, the viewers on our channel know what they like.

NUMBER EIGHT: The only 'genealogy' video to break the top ten is this one about GEDCOM files and FamilySearch! It recently beat out another popular video, "Stop Messing Up My Tree on FamilySearch."

NUMBER SEVEN: When you DNA test results come back from any company, do you really understand what the results are actually saying? It might not be what you thought. And, you might not know all the things your DNA reveals about you.

NUMBER SIX: As one of the first genetic testing companies on the market and it's unique offering of health reports, you might wonder if 23andMe is the better testing company to choose. Andy shares the pros and cons in this video.

NUMBER FIVE: Once your DNA test results come in, what is the first thing you should do with them? Look at ethnicity reports? Look for cousin matches? NO! You should save your results and upload them to Andy explains why.

NUMBER FOUR: It seems the video ranked at number two was not enough to explain why ethniity results vary, so Andy created a second one!

NUMBER THREE: AncestryDNA has set the standard for how long the testing kits can drop, beginning with the $49 special at RootsTech 2017 and the $59 during Black Friday. But is the AncestryDNA test the one you should purchase?

NUMBER TWO: It seems the most common reason people take a DNA test is to determine their ethnic identity. However, many people complain the results weren't what they were expecting. Andy explains why there's so much dispparity between the four genetic genealogy companies and their ethinicty results.

NUMBER ONE: We're asked which test to choose more often than any other question about DNA! It's no surprise that the evaluation of the big four companies continues to be the top video on our channel.

As the top ten list shows, DNA tops the charts on our YouTube Channel. If you haven't watched our videos, go over now. There's over 100 videos for you to binge watch as you bring in the new year. Please leave comments, ask questions, and engage in our community. Be mindful that some DNA video comments are a little harsh at times, but we do crack down on negative trolls. Scrapbooking and general genealogy community members are vastly more postive!

By the way, here's Caleb's most popular video on our channel.


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