A Recipe Saved From the Grave #FHForChildren Blog Link-Up

Family Recipes Bring Us Closer Together

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and traditions abound, but for a gal without family traditions regarding Turkey, what foods bring me closer to the past? That's the question I ask myself as I think about the Family History for Children Blog Link-Up for November: Family Recipes

The questions prompt: "How do family recipes bring your family together? Do you have any old family recipes that are passed down in your family? What favorite foods of your children will you pass down through future generations?"

Again, I think about the recipes that bring the Geiszler family together and there really are none. My mother believed "if food couldn't be nuked, baked, or ordered in, it wasn't done." And then I stumbled upon the Thanksgiving after my father died. My aunt asked me what I missed most about my dad, and I said, "Bob's Cheesecake.'

Watch my video about daddy's cheesecake and how he almost took it too the grave.

I highly encourage you to place your Family Recipes on FamilySearch in the memories sections. You can scan recipe cards and upload them as photos. Or, you can save the recipes as stories. That way, no relative will take another family favorite to the grave, that is if they have someone like my Aunt Shelley (or was it Grannie) to sweet talk the recipes out of the amazing cooks!

To read other posts in the Family Recipes Blog Hop, check out these below! Look at all of those yummy treats.


  1. Thank goodness for Aunt Shelly! And what an awesome way to preserve the recipe at FamilySearch. Great story.

    1. My aunt is truly amazing, and not just because she saved the recipe. Glad you liked the idea to save to FamilySearch.

  2. Hi, Devon! I really enjoyed your video. I agree with you about the importance of preserving your family's recipes. If we don't do it, maybe no one will. And that would be such a loss! Great post!


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